Dear Members
Please click below on Capt. Paddy McKnight’s report
IMO LEGAL AFFAIRS CTTEE (LEG 111), 22 – 26 APRIL 2024.pdf
Kuba Szymański
Dear Members
Please click below on Capt. Paddy McKnight’s report
IMO LEGAL AFFAIRS CTTEE (LEG 111), 22 – 26 APRIL 2024.pdf
Kuba Szymański
The IMO Committee on Protection of the Marine Environment (MEPC) held its 68th Session from Monday 11 through Friday...
The IMO Council held its 122nd session (C122) from Monday 15 through Friday 19 July 2019 chaired by Mr...
The IMO’s Committee on Maritime Safety (MSC) held its 94th Session (MSC 94) from Monday 17 through Friday 21...
The IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) held its 101st Session (MSC 101) from Wednesday 5 through Friday 14 June...
Very sorry for 48 delay in issuing this report – our InterManager server caused us a problem 🙁 The IMO...
The IMO SUB-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (formerly DSC) held its 1st Session (CCC 1) from Monday...
The IMO Committee Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) held its 69th Session (MEPC69) from Monday 18 through Friday 22...
The IMO Legal Affairs Committee held its 105th Session (LEG 105) from Monday 23 through Wednesday 25 April 2018. ...
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