InterManager accepts selected advertisements to display on this website.
There are two advert sizes available.
Option One: Right Hand Column Box Advert
Advert size: 220 x 220 pixels
Option Two: Forum Banner Advert
Advert size: 700 x 100 pixels
We can accept online advertisements in the following formats:
Still Image: JPEG, GIF of PNG files only
File size: less than 30KB
Animated Image: Animated GIF only (no Flash adverts)
File size: less than 60KB
All adverts must be supplied with the destination URL to be used when the advert is clicked. We can design your online advertisements for you at additional cost. If you would like us to design your advert please get in touch for a price quote.
All advertisements are accepted at the discretion of InterManager. Advertising prices start at £500 per month.
For further information please contact:
Kuba Szymanski, InterManager mail: [email protected]