Event: Non-Piracy Incident
-> Potential Hijack -> Vessel released
Date and Time: 3 August 2021, 1230hrs UTC
Location: 61nm E of Fujairah, International Waters
Position: 24° 59.500’N, 57° 28.600’E
Distance from Shore: Approx 60nm
Vessel Details
Type: Tanker
L x B: 134.6m x 17.2 (updated from previous alert)
Speed: N/A
Event Details
Kidnapped: 0
Injured: 0
Killed: 0
Damage to vessel: None
Damage to cargo: None
Security Present: None
Weather: Gentle Breeze / 0mm precipitation
Wave Height: 0.7m
Threat Details
Number of Perpetrators: About 8
Number of Craft: Not reported
Weapons Seen: Firearms reported
Equipment Seen: Not reported
Description: UKMTO has reported a “non-piracy incident” offshore Fujairah. Details are still TBC however considering high tensions between regional powers following recent fatal incident
offshore Oman against a tanker, all vessels should remain extremely vigilant. Any vessels linked to Israeli interests are under particular threat by Iran and Iranian allies.
UPDATE 1: UKMTO have issued an update, describing the incident as “Potential Hijack”. Further information to follow – there is precedent of merchant vessels seized by Iranian authorities in the area
(South Korean-vessel seized in January 2021).
UPDATE 2: UKMTO has confirmed that the armed persons that boarded the vessel have now left and vessel is safe. Vessel remains offshore Fujairah.
The perpetrators are still to be confirmed, however most sources are stating that Iran or an Iranian-back group carried out the boarding. Iran has denied responsibility.
T: +44 (0) 203 151 1700
Africa Risk Compliance Limited