Dispatches No. 492


Dear Members,

Maritime Champions Club-  39 584 as of today.

Please check your latest status and make sure we have your most up to date number of crew changes.


Being a member of InterManager should bring benefits to your organisation – why otherwise to be a member?

Therefore please find below an exclusive offer for you:


Safety at Sea is the world’s only dedicated monthly maritime safety magazine, packed with vessel-critical information, presented in an engaging and accessible way to capture the attention of your crew. We would like to extend a special offer to InterManager members for an annual Fleet Subscription, click the following link and fill out the form, one of our sales specialists will be in touch. http://unbouncepages.com/safetyatsea-intermanager/





Please find below messages regarding Pooling Resources for Crew Changes sent to our members since last Wednesday:

Message No. 36

Aa/ Crew Changes in Sri Lanka

Allegedly (I still cannot believe anyone could come up with such an idea!!!) There will be a suspension of crew changes due to election from 12th July till 05th August


We have been contacted by Mac Holdings Private Limited with below offer for co-operation which I would like our members to consider. Please revert with your comments:



Sri Lanka is well positioned to support the industry very specially due to its geographic position where over 250 vessels pass our southern shores on a daily basis.


Mac Holdings Private Limited company is able to cater to all above and find a balance – with the intervention and support of an non-biased independent body such as InterManager who is there to help the ship managers.


May I propose the following:



  1. InterManager collects the crew change need from all shipowners and managers.
  2. Such data to include the Nationality of the crew, contract completion date, trade rout of the vessel, historic ports of call of the sea passage in the past 30 days, known possible ports of call in the following 30 days.
  3. Gather data on the on-signer countries of origin, their health record in the past 30 days and the availability of PCR testing results if available, the planned vessels they are meant to join and possible trade rout.
  4. Then we can support you in the most unbiased manner how we can charter flights from/to Manila, India, Myanmar and an European Airport.
  5. Depending on the need we can group the crew to optimize the cost per crew.
  6. It will be so important to consolidate intercompany crew to achieve an economic outcome.
  7. We will sign a CONFIDENTIALITY  agreement so that details of such crew movement will not be known amongst the companies.
  8. If this is possible we can also use the return charter flight to carry the off-signers from earlier vessels who are cleared for travel.


Local Handling.


  1. It is extremely important that we assure our government that we will handle the crew with utmost care and ensure the health and safety of all concerned.
  2. For this purpose we would like to engage the Government organisations such as the Si Lanka Navy, Sri Lanka Health Authority, The Health authority approves safe hotels and isolation centers, PCR testing Transport etc in collaboration with the Government Approved Coordination Center.
  3. The single point of Accountability in such a high risk environment overrides profit motive and we will be most competitive in providing back to back tariffed costs with a minute handling fee per crew only.


We are hopeful that all logistical arrangements will fall back to a normalcy as soon as possible. However whilst we are observing second wave outbreaks we do not want to be complacent either.


As such we sincerely hope that we can overcome these difficult times together.


However we need to bring to your attention that Sri Lanka has an embargo for crew arrivals by air, from the 12th of July for a period of around a month. If there is an urgent need prior to that do pl let us know so that we can try our very best to assist.


Thereafter we can handle your requirements as per above.



Look forward to serving our industry.


Best Regards





Thanks & Best Regards,


Dr. Ruanthi De Silva – Director
MAC Holdings Private Limited.
“The Wavertree”
141/9, Vauxhall Street, Colombo – 02,

Sri Lanka.
General# 94-11-2309200

Mobile#   94-77-6134235

Fax#      94-11-2302590
E-mail     [email protected]
Web Site http://www.macholdings.com

P û  Save a tree -Conserve nature & Save the world for your future. Print this email only if it is absolutely necessary..



Bb/ Crew changes in Hong Kong during COVID-19

As you may know, in view of the recent fresh outbreak of local coronavirus infection cases, the HKSAR Government unveiled yesterday several new measures to safeguard public health, including requiring ship crews (and air crews) to submit deep-throat saliva samples for COVID-19 tests on their arrival at the airport. We agree that this new measure for ship crews are desirable and necessary in the interest of all.


The government also indicated yesterday that while ship crews had earlier been granted exemption for quarantine when arriving at Hong Kong for crew change, they would soon be required to take a virus test before travelling to Hong Kong. As we understand it, the government is now working on the implementation details of this new arrangement. We will maintain our liaison with the authorities and keep you posted about any new developments.


I would like to take this opportunity to, once again, ask all our members to take note of the following to support government efforts to minimise the risk of the spread of the virus in the local community:

  1. While performing crew changes, please follow strictly all the (latest) requirements, conditions and procedures set by the port, health and immigration authorities.

    2. Please arrange for the timely transportation of crew members (from the ship to the airport, from the airport to the ship, from the ship to the Shenzhen Bay border, from the Shenzhen Bay border to the ship, etc.).

    3. If there is a genuine need for in-coming crew members to stay in Hong Kong whilst awaiting on board, please ensure that there is self-isolation in the accommodation while awaiting to get onboard.

    4. If practicable, please arrange for the in-coming crew members to take COVID-19 tests at their places of departure prior to coming to Hong Kong for getting onboard (irrespective of whether this requirement is mandatory).

    5. If practicable, please arrange for the out-going crew members to take COVID-19 tests on board before arriving at Hong Kong for repatriation (irrespective of whether this requirement is mandatory).


Message No. 35

Aa/ Manila – Singapore – Manila


Can we ask our members if anyone is arranging or aware of a charter flight as below:



  1. From Manila to Singapore arriving on 12 Jul
  2. From Singapore to Manila departing on 13 Jul



Bb/ Manila – Colombo – Manila


We are arranging chartered flights from Manila to Colombo either on 9 or 13. We already have 16 crew for this from our side.



The agency we deal with promised they can arrange flights on Mondays and Thursdays on Colombo-Manila-Colombo route subject to having 80 pax. With approximate rate of 680 USD subject to change.



You may share this with your contacts if anyone can be interested.


The contact details of the person for these arrangements,


Sanoj Perera – Operations, Crew Logistics

<[email protected]>






Please note the latest situation on the ground reference Crew Changes:


  • Foreign Nationals who are eligible for visa on arrival can start arriving Dubai as of today – they should have with them a smartphone to download a UAE Contact Tracking App and PCR test results conducted in the last 96hrs which show negative results
  • Nationals are who are not eligible for visa on arrival can send us their passport info etc. on [email protected] and we can apply for a visa for them
  • On arrival if visitors have the PCR test results showing negative they can go straight to their hotel after clearing immigration at the airport. If not they have to conduct a test at the airport and wait in their hotel until the results come.
  • For Crew arriving now and meeting above conditions we should be able to do a Sign-On at Jebel Ali Port
  • For Crew Sign Off at Jebel Ali they are still requesting NOC/Confirmation from MOFA, NCEMA, Immigration, Port Security & CID which we can apply but takes average 3-4 days to complete
  • For Crew sign on/sign off at Fujairah, RAK and Abu Dhabi port still awaiting official approvals – this is because Dubai government and immigration follows slightly different processes and approval model that other Emirates.


We will be in touch as this develops.




Message No. 34

Dear members


URGENT assiatnce required.


The vessel’s ETA  at Hong Kong is 07/July 0400 am and the joiners are already waiting in a hotel.

We had confirmed tickets for 8 Filipino off-signers for 08/July at 0335 am, but the airlines cancelled the flight today.


After disembarkation the off-signers can stay in Honk Kong maximum 24 hours and thereafter must leave the country.

We would like to ask you if you are aware of any charter flight Hong Kong – Manila, arranged for the next week.


Your assistance would be highly appreciated



Message No. 33

Appreciate this is late Friday afternoon but there are some very interesting information about crew changes, which I am sure you will appreciate to receive info about:



Aa/ Crew Changes in UAE


Hello Capt Kuba,


Thank you for your email.


We are happy to confirm that the restrictions are being eased in the UAE & we have started receiving Seaman’s 96 hours visa from the Dubai immigration system which is required for sign on/ sign off procedures.


However, we are yet to receive official intimation from the Immigration Authorities for the process of crew changes in the UAE ports ( Movement from Airport to Sea port and finally onboard the vessel).


The current sign off situation requires the following :


  1. Embassy of the crew Involved, has to apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to grant an approval basis a confirmed outbound flight.
  2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs consolidates the lists and sends them to the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management authority ( NCEMMA).
  3. NCEMA then gives an approval to the immigration department involved to permit the transfer of crew under police escort from Port to Airport.


Please note the current procedure is likely to change on the 07th of July when commercial flights are resuming by Emirates Airlines to selective destinations.


Likewise Etihad is resuming flights to selected destination subject to government permissions.


We are ready assist with sign on/sign off for any of your esteemed customers, also we will keep you updated with the emerging scenario here in the UAE.


Please find attached our company profile and brochure herewith for your kind reference as well.



Best Regards,




Bb/  Passenger ship as a bridge between Singapore and Manila

Thank you all for your response regarding idea of chartering cruise or passenger ship for crew changes in Singapore.


Long story short – this idea is not going to “fly”  mainly because everyone is now having high hopes that this morning we learned that from end next week KLM will start operating four time to Manila per week if it turns out that the “green lane” really is open. I think that is great news.



 Cc/  Cadets


Again thank you all for responding to the question about Cadets.


Majority of you responded : BUSINESS AS USUAL, however two answers came as:


  1. No more cadets until vaccination is available and
  2. Only those who are in the system i.e. no “fresh blood”


Dd/ Malaysia – crew changes


Marine Department issued circular letter, which you have all been provided last week as a result of prssure from us and others. This action however has not been 100% confirmed with LOCAL immigration offices in Malaysia. Like in every country there is a serious lag between decisions issued by Federal Government and their different regions. Marine Department is in talks with immigration authorities and new SOP Circular is expected very soon.

ee/  Angola – crew changes


I have reached out to some folk who tell me the requirement is 14 days quarantine in & out but this might be for FPSO’s only.  Finding it difficult to put my finger on a suitable poc.  I promise I will keep at it. FYI – OCIMF is involved



Have a great weekend




Message No. 32

Please find below possibility for crew change in Panama. If interested please contact Ozgur or Jack


Hi Kuba


Fyi to share wider teams. Copying Jack who is arranging the flights.


  • Amsterdam – Panama – Amsterdam
  • Visas are not required for non-Schengen nationals in Amsterdam as we agreements with the Dutch immigration that as long as they stay in the transit area of the airport no more than 72 hours that is fine and we will arrange bags to be loaded onto the private charter.
  • Departing Amsterdam 13th July
  • Arriving Panama 14th July early AM
  • Departing 14th July late PM (14 hour gap between flight for flight crew to get their minimum required rest and also enough time to perform the crew changes.
  • COVID test before flying in their home countries
  • A COVID test on arrival also
  • Face mask and gloves to be worn at all times when arriving in Panama, we will arrange for them to be handed to the passengers on the flight.
  • Government approval and landing permits (Select Offshore gain this)



Agents details below who has performed recently 5 crew changes for your information.


GAC Panama Shipping

Alexei German Oduber Burillo


[email protected]


Please feel free to call me with any questions. We do really need an answer ASAP.


Best regards,


Jack Harrington
Senior Consultant


Queens Award Winners 2020 


Select Offshore
Cumberland House
129 High Street

CM12 9AH
United Kingdom


Office: +44 (0) 203 745 7901

Mobile: +44 7464 720 482
Web: www.selectoffshore.com
Email: [email protected]






Best Regards,

Ozgur Yilmaz

Global Planning & Service Assurance Director


Tel:       +44 (0) 141 243 2435

DD Tel: +44 (0) 141-305-7893

Mob:    +44  (0) 7919-392284

Email:   [email protected]





Last week:

Working on COVID-19
Working on Enclosed Space Death project


This Week:

Working on COVID-19
Working on Enclosed Space Death project
Maritime Champions Club


Looking forward:

Working on Enclosed Space Death project
Working on COVID-19

Mt Kilimanjaro August 2020

We are taking on this giant of the world in August 2020, and we are looking for participants now so that training can begin and we can build a good plan for fundraising.

This is certainly one of life’s achievements and will not be forgotten easily!

Minimum sponsorship amount £5000.

Brochure and video being created.

I hope you’re well and will join me in a canoe or on a trek, maybe?

Kindest regards

Rebecca Bridgen

Events Fundraiser

Sailors’ Society

+ 44 7712 404130


Brgds Kuba

Capt. Kuba Szymanski

Secretary General

+44 7624 498 266




Capt. Kuba Szymanski

Secretary General



Mob: +44 7624 498 266

e-mail: [email protected]

web: www.intermanager.org




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