Mass Rescues At Sea – Are You Prepared?

Shipping’s obligation to save life at sea is clear under SOLAS but are Masters properly prepared for large-scale rescues? And do they feel properly supported to perform this obligation in the Mediterranean where vessels can find themselves rescuing hundreds of people from unseaworthy small crafts?

InterManager Secretary General, Captain Kuba Szymanski, will be giving a presentation on Mass Rescues At Sea by invitation of the Nautical Institute (Cyprus Branch).

Taking place on Wednesday May 6 at the Marlow Navigation Building, 13 Alexandrias Street in Limassol, the event will begin at 18.30hrs and conclude with drinks and networking.

Discussions will include ways in which the shipping industry can be better prepared and supported and attendees will also learn from case studies and insights from vessels and shipping companies involved in such incidents.

InterManager members, Nautical Institute members and friends of the branch are invited to attend, as well as shipping companies interested in finding out more about the logistics of large scale rescue operations.

To attend contact: Capt VS Parani, email: [email protected] or tel: +357 96500667.

Early booking is advised.


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