10th InterManager’s 60 minutes Meeting

10th InterManager’s 60 minutes Meeting

1.  14:00 Meeting called to order
2.  14:01 Update from the President
*   Vaccination
3.  14:10 Update from Kuba

1.  Vaccination – seafarers and office staff reluctance to vaccinate
2.  Covid travel situation
3.  14:15 Members approach / suggestion towards – Kuba to report feedback received from members:
*   Seafarers and office staff vaccination
*   Employment of UNVACCINATED seafarers
*   Shore leaves
*   Seafarers being unable to receive US visa in countries where US Embassies are closed due to COVID 19 restrictions
*   I have now received response from US and pragmatic approach which seems to be working fairly well is as follows:

i.      Ship Manager contacts local agent in US port prior ship’s arrival

ii.      Explains the visa situation, highlighting the issue of US embassy not being available resulting in lack of

visa for some of the crew

iii.      Agent then applies for “parole” to local CBP (Customs and Border Control) officer who might use hi

powers to allow crew member to be allowed to step ashore in US. The word used by US authorities is indeed the word “ parole”.

1.  14:25 Guest Speaker: Natalie Shaw; ICS ; Director Employment Affairs – Industry educational effort towards vaccinating seafarers
2.  14:40 Discussion on InterManager Position on
*   Vaccinating office and shore staff
*   Shore Leaves

1.  15:00 End of the meeting

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Date: 14/07/2021

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