15th InterManager’s 60 minute meeting

15th InterManager’s 60 minute meeting

1.  14:00 Meeting called to order
2.  14:01 Update from the President
*   New Standard – Drafting Committee
*   SMI – extra supplement
3.  14:10 Update from Kuba

*   Medical supplies of Oxygen for our ships
*   Mixing vaccinations
*   30th Anniversary of InterManager
1.  14:20  Guest Speaker:   Medical assistance at sea in the age of telemedicine.
Francesco Amenta, President, Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.), the Italian Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS),
Rome, Italy
Dean, School of Medicinal and Health Products, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy

1.  14:55 Summary
2.  15:00 End of the meeting

Please invite people from your organisation who might be interested.

For transparency and convenience of all, our meetings are being recorded and link to the recording will be provided with meeting action points

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Date: 15/09/2021

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