11th InterManager’s 60 minutes Meeting

11th InterManager’s 60 minutes Meeting

11th InterManager’s 60 minutes Meeting

1.  10:00 Meeting called to order
2.  10:01 Update from the President
*   InterManager Position on
*   Shore Leaves
*   Vaccination of seafarers
3.  10:10 Update from Kuba
*   Member to members – great example of support
*   New members
4.  10:20 Guest Speaker: Mike Forester, Chartering Tonnage Senior Advisor, Senior Marine Quality Assurance Advisor, F&L C&T, INTL MARINE MQA,  International Marine Transportation Ltd.
*   EXXON / IMT: New way of handling vetting / assurance requirements.
5.  10:50 Summary
6.  11:00 End of the meeting

Please invite people from your organisation who might be interested.

For transparency and convenience of all, our meetings are being recorded and link to the recording will be provided with meeting action points

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Date: 21/07/2021

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