Event: Militant threats
Date and Time: 26 June 2021
Location: Niger Delta Region, Nigeria
Description: The militant group
Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) have issued a statement on their website announcing the start of new operation: “Operation Humble” – “aimed at bringing down targeted oil installations in the Niger Delta Region” which would “spare no single oil installation
within our range of strategic targets”. The group also state that the operation will target “political actors who are collaborating with the Nigerian government to undermine the interests of the Niger Delta people”.
The statement cites frustration with civil society groups that represent the Niger Delta with the Nigerian government, including the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) and ex-militants.
Analysis: This is the first threat from the NDA since 2018, however there have been no attacks claimed by the NDA since 2016 which halved Nigeria’s oil production. Other groups have claimed
NDA’s lineage in statements, including a group called “Reformed Niger Delta Avengers”, however none of these were followed up by attacks. The statement also specifically refers to NDA “operatives” who were involved in attacks in 2016, showing that the group
want to prove that this threat is not just words.
Considering the success of the 2016 campaign, this statement will likely attract heavy attention from the Nigerian government. It should also be noted that this statement comes only 2
weeks after the launch of the Deep Blue maritime security project, as well as ongoing debate in the Nigerian Senate over an oil industry bill. The bill includes a 2.5% share for oil communities from earnings from crude extractions. However, groups in the Niger
Delta are demanding a much larger 10% share.
The group has not included any mention of shipping or seafarers in the statement. However, tankers calling at Nigerian offshore terminals and ports in the Niger Delta region (Warri, Koko,
Port Harcourt, Onne, Bonny) should increase security onboard in case of attacks on terminals and the possibility of collateral damage.
ARC will update if and when further information is received.
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