Dispatches No. 293


Dear All

InterManager will be hosting a think-tank on fatigue and the possible bureaucratic burden placed upon the industry, during Posidonia next month.


Fatigue Management Systems

The results of the fatigue study on board ships, Project MARTHA, will be presents. InterManager has been closely involved with the study since it was first raised in 2013.

Paperless Ships

How paperless ships can help fatigue issues and help iron out bureaucracy.

Questions the think-tank can tackle with your involvement:

–          Can fatigue and bureaucracy be combated by increasing the number of people on board?

–          Do we need all these procedures?

–          Is our SMS system understandable – short and concise and user friendly?

–          Is the environment on board allowing seafarers to relax whilst off duty?

–          Are our seafarers relieved on time? Is your KPI better than Industry average of 1.5%?

–          Do our vessels get inspected every month?

–          How do we deal with bullying?

–          Are our seafarers allowed to go ashore to relax and to “recharge the batteries”?

–          Is training provided on board or during the leave? Are seafarers compensated for training?

–          Are we sending our ships into dangerous, stressful locations? If so, how do we support them?

–          How do we support our seafarers to avoid loneliness?

–          How much time do our sea staff spend on paperwork?


When: 7th June 2016, 14:00 – 17:00

Where: Hotel Theoxenia, 23 Karaoli and Dimitriou Street, Piraeus

There will be only limited number of companies participating and would highly appreciate participation of representative of your organisation.

If you would kindly RSVP directly to me by Friday 3rd June, that would be much appreciated as number of spaces is limited.


Last Week:

16- 20 May – IMO – London – MSC – Capt. Paddy McKnight representing InterManager

19 May – Solent – Research and Innovation Conference – Capt. Kuba Szymanski speaking representing InterManager members

This Week:

Working from the Isle of Man office.

Looking forward:

07th June – Athens – InterManager Executive Committee Meeting.

07th June – InterManager “Seafarers Welfare Think Tank” – How can we help our sea staff coping with fatigue on board.

  • Paperless ship Project

08-10Th June – IMO Legal Committee Capt. Paddy McKnight attending on behalf of InterManager

16th June – London – Gender Empowerment and Multi-cultural Crew’s (GEM) project conference – Kuba Szymanski Attending / representing InterManager


Discounts and offers for members:
Special 15% discount for InterManager members in the Piraeus GLAROS Hotel. The Hotel Management has confirmed it is willing to offer InterManager members (15%) off its internet prices if booked from their web site, www.glaros-hotel.gr/ This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts. You only need to mention you are an “InterManager member” in the “Comments and Special Requests” section of the web site and/or mention your company is an “InterManager member” when you check into the hotel.


06-10 June Athens – POSIDONIA – Exhibition Room no.3 – UKHO Seminars

Implementing ECDIS


Tuesday 7 June          11:00 – 13:00

Wednesday 8 June     11:00 – 13:00

Thursday 9 June         11:00 – 13:00


The morning seminar, “Implementing ECDIS” is for those currently still adopting and implementing ECDIS. It will be delivered by Capt. Paul Hailwood and outline the required policies and procedures, how to conduct a proper risk assessment and cover steps required for on-board implementation of ECDIS.


Living with ECDIS


Tuesday 7 June          15:30 – 17:30

Wednesday 8 June     15:30 – 17:30

Thursday 9 June         15:30 – 17:30


The afternoon seminar, “Living with ECDIS” is for those who are already operating with ECDIS and wish to be kept informed of new developments. It will be delivered by Tom Mellor and cover the ongoing requirements following on from implementation.



07th June –  Piraeus – InterManager “Seafarers Welfare Think Tank” – How can we help our sea staff coping with fatigue on board.

  • Paperless ship Project

If you are interested in attending please contact [email protected]



15-16th June 2016, at the Exhibition Centre in Liverpool  Investinblue

Investinblue is a two day event, promoting UK maritime infrastructure development, high technology projects, products, systems and services. Investinblue is offering InterManager members the ‘Early Bird’ ticket price (30% discount) for those wanting to attend – please declare your membership at time of booking. https://www.ifb2016.com/en/festival/schedule/230-investinblue-connecting-maritime-opportunities


22nd & 23rd June 2016 Baltimore, USA ACI’s 13th Vessel Efficiency and Fuel Management Conference.

This event will focus on the newly enforced Emission Control Area (ECA) and Fuel/ sulphur regulations. We will further scrutinize the technologies available for measuring performance and specific fuel-efficiency improving equipment, plus analysis and practical feedback of how to increase overall efficiency and performance by minimising the fleet’s energy demands. Essentially, the focus will be on how shipowners & the maritime industry can benefit from higher Return on Investment and optimise their performance with the latest vessel efficiency technology available.

InterManager members are entitled to a 15% discount until 29th April 2016: Quote: MBFMAN to claim.
For a copy of the event agenda or to register contact Cheryl Williams on +44 (0) 203 141 0623 or email [email protected]



Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton, UK




ACI’s 15th Ballast Water Management Summit on 13th & 14th July 2016 in Singapore will provide essential, expert guidance to shipowner/operators on how to prepare for and manage the BWT Systems.

Registration contact: Priyesh Waghmare, Email: [email protected]
(Quote discount code: MBWMP15 to claim for 15% discount)

Agenda Link: http://www.wplgroup.com/aci/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/02/MBWf6-MKT-Agenda.pdf


14 September – London – ‘Respect, Responsibility and Remedy in the Maritime Environment’

The International Maritime Human Rights Conference, taking place on 14 September at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, is a ground-breaking event which, focusing on the title “Respect, Responsibility and Remedy in the Maritime Environment”, will openly tackle human rights requirements, abuses and protections in the maritime industry.



9th Arctic Shipping Summit, 21-22 September 2016, London.
Contact person: Piotr Baziuk, +48 616 467 025, [email protected]
Follow us on twitter @Arctic_Shipping


Asia Pacific Marine Conference 2016 is back to Singapore on 6th October. Hear from experts on regulatory affairs, technological developments, LNG & more. APMC 2016 is supported by INTERMANAGER, ASF, SSI & ICS. Key players DNVGL, RINA, ORBCOMM, JTJB & CYBERMARINE are sponsoring the event. Visit www.apacmarineconference.com


4-7 October 2016 The 19th Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition (SIBCON) , Resorts World Sentosa,

Singapore Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is pleased to announce that a refreshed and invigorated programme will include new formats, cutting edge presentations, innovative exhibition hall features and as always, opportunities to do business.


19th & 20th of October 2016,London, UK  19th Maritime HR & Crew Management Summit

Conference Fee:          Full Price £1495

Link to the Website: http://www.wplgroup.com/aci/event/maritime-hr-crew-management-europe/  

Link to the Agenda:  http://www.wplgroup.com/aci/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/MHRe11-MKG-Agenda.pdf


ACI’s 19th Maritime HR & Crew Management will focus on how shipping companies have successfully coped with the increasing demands of regulations and technology on the modern seafarer’s skill set. Crew competence has never been more highly valued and in today’s climate making sure valuable crew are retained is an absolute priority. Join us in London to learn more of how ship operators are meeting this challenge.

Key Topics:

  • Regulatory Updates & Requirements
  • Crew Competence & Attitude
  • Sourcing, Leadership & Retention of Crew
  • Insurance Challenges connected to Seafarers
  • Cross Training of Seafarers on Various Types of Vessels
  • Challenges of Seafarer Travel
  • Crew Education & Difference
  • Cohesion Between Ship & Shore
  • Technology in HR & Crew Development
  • Who Should Be Attending?


For 15% members/subscribers discounted registration or for the updated brochure, please contact Mohammad Ahsan on +44 (0)20 3141 0606 or [email protected]


2 November 2016  – London 6th Capital Link Operating Excellence in Shipping Forum

Senior Executives from leading shipping companies, charterers and financiers will discuss how the implementation of Best Industry Practices translates into tangible commercial, operational and financial competitive advantages. Organized In Cooperation with the Danish & the Norwegian Shipowners Associations.

Mr. Jeremy Penn, Chief Executive of Baltic Exchange presented with Capital Link Maritime CSR Award.



Brgds Kuba
Capt. Kuba Szymanski
Secretary General

Mob: +44 7624 498 266

[email protected]




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