Columbia honoured for rescues at sea

InterManager member Columbia Shipmanagement has been publically recognised for its work in rescuing people in distress at sea.

Presenting the annual BIMCO Awards the association’s President, Philippe Louis-Dreyfus, awarded his President’s Award to Hamburg-based Columbia Shipmanagement for “outstanding” work in rescue operations involving migrant boats in the Mediterranean. He asked Columbia to accept the award not only on behalf of its crews, but also on behalf of all seafarers who risk their lives in rescue operations.

The awards were presented at BIMCO’s annual conference in Hamburg. Shipping professionals attending the event were shown a video showing the events of an evening in September 2013 when a Columbia vessel, King Julius, responded to two calls to assist boats in distress in one night, carrying more than 180 people to safety.

Mr Louis-Dreyfus described these events as “a classic example of the outstanding work done by our seafarers”.

He added: “BIMCO recognises the commitment and achievement of King Julius’ crew — and by all seafarers involved in similar rescue operations.

“No doubt the large number of people who have been rescued or assisted at sea during migration would also thank them if they could. Many of them owe their lives to the seamanship and skills of our seafarers.”

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