For the attention of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with IMO
This is to remind that the deadline for the receipt of nominations for the 2015 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea by the IMO Secretariat is 15 April 2015.
Circular Letter No.3483 inviting nominations together with Circular Letter No.3526 promulgating the revised Award Guidelines are attached herewith should your organization wish to submit nominations.
Circular letter available from [email protected]
Lifeboat Safety – do you have opinion? Could you share it with us?
Please take part in our survey:
More than 1750 responses so far. Could you send it to your sea staff and ask for their participation please.
02 March – Brussels – Mass Rescue at Sea Workshop – Capt. Kuba Szymanski organising and chairing – please see Press Release at the front of this Dispatches
04 March – IMO – London – Inter-Agency Meeting on Migrants – Capt. Paddy McKnight representing InterManager
05 March – Warsash – Fatigue Workshop – Capt. Paddy McKnight attending
This Week:
09-11 March – Bermuda – TK Foundation Board Meeting – Capt. Kuba Szymanski Attending
Looking forward:
23 – 25 March – IMO – London – SSA Session – Capt. Paddy McKnight attending
24 March – Hamburg – Users Forum – Capt. Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager
24 March – London – Monalisa 2 meeting – Capt. Paddy McKnight representing
23-25 March – USA – CMA Shipping 2015 at the Stamford Hilton – President Gerardo Borromeo representing InterManager
Discounts and offers for members:
Special 15% discount for InterManager members in the Piraeus GLAROS Hotel. The Hotel Management has confirmed it is willing to offer InterManager members (15%) off its internet prices if booked from their web site, This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts. You only need to mention you are an “InterManager member” in the “Comments and Special Requests” section of the web site and/or mention your company is an “InterManager member” when you check into the hotel.
Promoting best practices in Africa’s seafaring industries
Assess how stakeholders can work towards an integrated strategy for developing Africa’s crewing nations, let regional experts guide you through the challenges and potential pitfalls of crewing in Africa’s offshore hotspots, and participate in the afternoon crewing task force and generate new solutions for training and recruitment.
To find out more or register your place, visit:
InterManager members receive 20% discount to attend when quoting VIP Code FKT2868IMNL
Jenna Warren – Marketing Manager – Informa Maritime and Energy & Lloyd’s Maritime Academy
Maple House, 3rd Floor, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7AD
Email: [email protected] Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7017 6788
17-18 March 2015, London – 7th Chemical and Product Tanker Conference
Run in conjunction with the International Parcel Tankers Association (IPTA), the 7th Chemical & Product Tanker conference will once again provide shipowners and charterers with an in-depth view of the issues of the day. Freight markets & ship finance as well as key operational and legislative issues will be examined by an expert panel of speakers.
This event has become the annual gathering for all those involved in chemical and product shipping and includes a combination of conference. In addition to this, there is also a shale gas workshop on 19th March to learn about the impact of shale gas on trading patterns and vessel types.
Topics under the spotlight include:
– Chemical and product tanker market outlooks
– Proposed mandatory energy efficiency measures for shipping
– Impact of shale gas on trade and vessels
– Creative sources of ship finance
– Changes to cargo carriage requirements
– Bunkers – pricing, quality and testing
More information is available from or [email protected]
Wednesday 18th March 2015
Managing the risks of ballast water treatment technology – a lunchtime cross-industry discussion hosted by Lloyd’s Register
Venue: 71 Fenchurch Street, London
18th & 19th of March 2015, 6th Arctic Shipping Summit, Montreal, Canada
Developments in Arctic Shipping Operations & Infrastructure
The 6th Arctic Shipping Summit will highlight the achievements of Canada’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council and discuss the USA’s forthcoming plans. It will review the need for improvements in infrastructure and advancements in technology as well as operational and logistical challenges encountered by ship owners and OSV Operators in harsh Arctic conditions. It will address key developments in transport and regulation in the Arctic as well as commercial and safety issues.
This summit, through presentations, roundtable discussion and case studies will examine practical solutions to Arctic shipping issues and present the latest innovations of technology in this specialised area.
Delegates will be drawn from the Shipping Operators, Owners, Coastguard and Transport Authorities, Shipbuilders and Shipyards, Designers, Repairing companies, Vendors and Subcontractors, Energy and Mining companies, Naval Architects and Engineers, Ice Forecasters and Meteorologists, Ice Management Specialists, Consultants, Researchers, Brokers, Financiers and Investors.
For 15% WORLDOILS subscribers discounted registration or for brochure, please contact Mohammad Ahsan on +44 (0)20 3141 0606 or [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0) 203 141 0606
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Name: Mohammad Ahsan
Conference Fee: Full Price £1495.
Link to Agenda:
CMA Shipping 2015 – March 23-25, 2015 at the Stamford Hilton is on track to be another successful event
In order to participate ate the reduced rate – check : – remember you are InterManager member 🙂
24 April at Effingham London Shipowners’ Golf Society meeting.
Interested in Golf event Members please get in touch with Capt. Paddy McKnight [email protected] in order to participate in InterManager team.
InterManager will be entering a team of 4 to compete in the London Shipowners’ Golf Society Spring meeting at Effingham (a few miles south of Leatherhead) on Friday 24th April 2015 captained by Paddy McKnight. The day starts from 0730 with traditional bacon rolls and coffee, team and individual match play from 0830 followed by a really good lunch then 9 competitive holes in the afternoon concluding with tea and prize giving. The cost for an enjoyable day out, some might say one of spoiling an extensive walk, is £97 per head so any keen golfers should please get in touch with either Kuba or Paddy.
24-26 April 2015 – 60th International Ship Suppliers & Services Association (ISSA) – Convention & Trade Exhibition
Held in conjunction with the Singapore Maritime Week and coincides with Singapore’s 50th year of independence, the ISSA Convention and Trade Exhibition is back to stage in the Republic with its diamond jubilee presentation in 2015. This annual conference and exhibition aims to be the meeting place for the ship supply community and industry stakeholders including ship owners, managers and port operators to address critical industry challenges and share innovative business solutions for sustainable quality standards in the maritime sector.
The conference highlights on the heritage of Singapore shipping: the journey of innovation and productivity where proven technologies and innovative methodologies adopted by the various sectors and at different geography will be discussed. Participants get to hear the success stories from industry veterans and leaders, gain insight into the formula in achieving optimal efficiency, productivity and cost control management of their ship supply business amidst tough maritime market conditions.
For more information please contact: Ms Scarlett Chua, Professional Conference Organiser, on +65 9336 9841, email: [email protected], or visit
28 – 29 April 2015, European Manning and Training conference, Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen
Here is the discount information for InterManager members:
- VIP Code: FKT2768EMSPK – provides a 20% discount for an unlimited number of your contacts.
- Your contacts can also get an early booking discount of up to £300 when registering by 6th February
- Spread the word of your speaker engagement and the 20% discount via your LinkedIn business network or to your twitter followers
- They can book by filling in the discounted form on the attached brochure, online, by emailing [email protected] or by calling +44 (0) 20 7017 5511.
4th IMarEST Ballast Water Technology Conference
This year sees the enforcement of the US Coast Guard’s Ballast Water Management (BWM) regulations and the ratification of the IMO BWM Treaty.
The 4th IMarEST Ballast Water Technology Conference (7-8 May 2015 at ZSL, London Zoo) aims to explore how to successfully navigate this turbulent period of change in the shipping industry’s history.
Shipping industry asked to ‘Get Stripey’ on 15 May to raise funds for seafarers in need
Shipping companies, port operators and maritime businesses are being asked by Seafarers UK to ‘Get Stripey’ on Friday 15 May 2015 to raise funds for seafarers in need and their families.
Getting sponsored to wear stripey clothes to work is just one of the ideas suggested by the charity on a special website
‘Get Stripey’ day is being promoted by media partners Lloyd’s List and Lloyd’s List Intelligence, whose staff members will also be fundraising themselves.
All donations will go to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, across the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleets, Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
Seafarers UK makes grants of £2.5 million each year, but receives applications for double that amount. Last year grants to help 170,000 individuals were given to 70 organisations.
The charity receives no government funding and is heavily dependent on corporate support, public donations and legacies to maintain its grant-making programme.
For more information visit or phone Seafarers UK on 020 7932 0000.
17th June 2015 – 18th June 2015, Aberdeen, UK Operating Specialist Wind Vessels Summit 2015 –
- Operational Experiences in New Installations
- Regulations for a Developing Industry
- Ensuring Crew Safety: How is This Best Accomplished?
- Improving Turbine Access in Harsh Deep-water Conditions
- Highlighting the need for High-Speed Vessels within the Offshore Wind Industry
More Info/ Registration:
Rohan Baryah +48 61 646 9780 [email protected]
Brgds Kuba
Capt. Kuba Szymanski
Secretary General InterManager