Dispatches No. 186

New issue of Futurenautics available from: www.intermanager.org/futurenautics/






Ship managers should put in place sensible contingency plans to guard against a worst-case scenario should Filipino officers potentially find themselves banned from working on EU-flagged vessels. This follows concerns raised by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) over the ability of the Philippine Maritime Administration to fully and effectively implement all provisions of the STCW Convention.


This call by InterManager is intended to put perspective on anxieties about what the EU may ultimately decide with regard to the results of EMSA’s most recent audit of the Philippines in October 2013.  Meantime, the Philippine Government and industry representatives are working hand-in-hand to rectify original EMSA findings and Philippine sources are confident this continuing effort and work in progress will achieve the desired results for all stakeholders.


To mitigate the immediate impact of any possible ban that may be promulgated by the EU, InterManager is calling on all ship managers to ensure their Filipino officers have extended the validity of their CoCs prior to any ban coming into force. The EU has indicated that, if ever a ban were to take effect, this would not be levied against valid and active CoCs. By extending the validity of their CoCs, the Filipino officers are able to gain a maximum five year period of grace. Should the EU ever implement a ban, a subsequent resolution may likely be found within the five year grace period. Georgia, which has recently been subjected to a similar ban, resolved its shortcomings within two years.


Owners and managers should also look to hold discussions with various Port State Control MOUs to extend this five year window to Filipino officers serving on non-EU flagged vessels which may call on EU ports.


Industry discussions are currently underway with a number of countries such as the UK, Norway, The Netherlands and Belgium, to allow their recognised schools to assess cadets for their CoC, so allowing those cadets to qualify onboard EU-flagged ships.


InterManager President Gerardo Borromeo said: “The message we are giving out as responsible ship managers is that our primary duty is to ensure that ships continue to sail safely and efficiently, which means we will put the right people onboard these ships and, in the case of Filipinos, we will work with the right crewing institutions and entities to ensure these officers are properly trained and certificated.”



For Further Information, please contact:

Elaborate Communications,  Debra Munford (UK)     Tel +44 (0) 1296 682356

Capt Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General      (Mob)  Tel: +44 (0) 7624 498226



Last week

03-07 February – IMO – LONDON – Pollution and Prevention Response – Paddy McKnight attending

04 February – Videotel – London – Social Media Project – Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager

05th February – London – InterManager Executive Committee Meeting

06th February – London – Shipping KPI Association Board of Directors Meeting – Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager  – delete ‘the’

06-07 February – Esbjerg – Martha Project – Paddy McKnight attending



This Week

11 February – Professor Neil Greenberg of the March on Stress organisation presentation at Intertanko / Intercargo – Capt. Paddy McKnight attending on behalf of InterManager


Looking forward:

17-21 February – Human Element Training and Watchkeeping – Session No. 1 – Capt. Paddy McKnight, Prof. Mike Barnett and Prof. Claire Pekcan attaneting on behalf of InterManager

10-14 March – IMO – London – SSE (Ship Systems and Equipment) – Capt. Paddy McKnight attending

11-12 March – Bermuda – TKF BoD meeting – Kuba Szymanski attending

27-28 March – BWM Conference – IMAREST – Kuba Szymanski speaking on behalf of InterManager

02 April – Navigator Gas – Officers seminar – Poland – Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager

05- 12 April – Superintendency Course – IOM – Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager


Discounts and offers for members:


Special 15% discount for InterManager members in the Piraeus GLAROS Hotel. The Hotel Management has confirmed it is  willing to offer InterManager members (15%) off its internet prices if booked from their web site, www.glaros-hotel.gr/ This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts. You only need to mention you are an “InterManager member” in the “Comments and Special Requests” section of the web site and/or mention your company is an “InterManager member” when you check into the hotel.


22 February – Oxford Golf Course – Pune – India – Founders of Maritime Awareness Programme Society (MAPS) – First Meeting

The main objective of this society is to create positive public awareness of our Industry which has contributed tremendously not only to the world Trade & Economy

If you would like to participate please get in touch with Kuba Szymanski – [email protected]


4-6 March 2013, 4th edition of Transport Week 2014, Gdansk, Poland Transport Week is one of the biggest platforms of communication created for key European transport market representatives (+350participants). It consists of several conferences, including: Clean Shipping Conference, Baltic Container Conference, Intermodal Conference and many more. Register only € 250/conference. More information on: www.transportweek.eu


18–20 March 2014 Green Ship Technology Conference 2014 Thon Hotel Arena, Oslo Join us at the 11th annual GST Conference – the biggest green ship technology event in the industry calendar! This is your opportunity to meet and network with our superb speaker line-up  plus 100+ industry leaders. VIP code: FKT2583IMWL to claim a 20% discount http://www.informamaritimeevents.com/FKT2583IMWL


5-13 April 2014. Ship Superintendents’ Training ISLE OF MAN

This intensive programme is globally renowned for its excellent foundation in all aspects of maritime operations.  Attracting delegates from all over the world, 43 topics are covered ranging from dry-docking to legal issues and insurance.

Further information contact [email protected]


23-24th of April 2014 the 2nd International Forum on Seafarers’ Education, Training and Crewing (ETC-2014)  in Odessa, which contains Conference and Exhibition. This year there will be a special guest Mr. Koji Sekimizu the Secretary-General of IMO with a keynote speech.

InterManager members 20% discount – please contact Capt. Kuba Szymanski




Lloyd’s Register has issued a new short film entitled Safe Boat Transfers to help provide marine surveyors with comprehensive instructions on how to safely transfer between two vessels at sea. Working over water and, in particular, boat transfers, during which surveyors switch from a transfer vessel to the boat they are surveying, is a very high-risk activity. The film, originally developed for Lloyd’s Register employees, aims to raise awareness about the associated risks and hazards, and to provide instruction for every stage of the transfer. It is hoped that Safe Boat Transfers will help to significantly reduce the accidents associated with boat transfers. The DVD can be ordered from the Lloyd’s Register webstore: http://www.webstore.lr.org.

Brgds Kuba


Capt. Kuba Szymanski

Secretary General InterManager +44 7624 498 266

web: www.intermanager.org


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